Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blood Test Blues

On Thursday my blood tests showed that I was a little low on a few important numbers. Namely, my red and white blood cell counts. The doctor who saw me yesterday ordered another round of tests to follow-up and see if maybe I need a transfusion (red blood cells). The tests were in this morning and everything is pretty low. However, not low enough to warrant a transfusion. The nurse gave me a mask to where if I feel I need it. They basically said to get some rest and let my body heal.




M said...

UNO MAS!!!! Eat your bread radiation treatment!!! I would totally wear that mask everywhere you go, and if anyone asks why...just tell them you were born without lips, and don't want to scare anyone. See if that freaks them out. Stay strong, Llandis is rooting for ya!-- Wade

Clare Bolek said...

Josh and Kimby,
I am sorry I haven't posted for awhile, I honestly haven't been near my computer. Josh, don't get too down on these blood tests- if you get a transfusion you are going to feel like you can play football for AL. I had a client who was working through stage 3 cancer and had a few and she loved getting them. But in alot of ways I am thankful you don't need one yet. Keep your head up the best as you can. And like someone had posted before, all of us have your back now. I hope you feel our prayers. Love, clare

Anonymous said...

You know Josh..I have a little girl (not so little now) The Dr. had us patch her good eye in hopes it would strengthen her other. She would go everywhere with me eye patched and little ones would notice her and stare at her and even point and walk up and get in her face. Finally one day this child got right in her face and said do you have an eye in there? She looked straight with that one patched eye and said yes I have and eye its just wazy! Poor little thing it was the good eye that was patched she was squinting just to see what she could see with that wazy eye. Maybe with your mask you have to remember your poor body is just tired and the mask is giving the good parts time to rest and catch up to be whole again! We all love you and we will be praying for you at the childrens mass. J-man is serving and you are on list for the prayer of the faithful....because that is what you are dear one....Faith..filled!