Monday, September 13, 2010

Down With Disease

Well, today I had another CT-scan with no signs of disease!!! The best part is now I have been pushed to scans every 6 months. I get a whole extra two months that will be relatively anxiety-free. I continue to feel blessed and hope that anyone reading this can know that there is a loving, compassionate God. I state this not because I continue to find healing, but because I have learned about the preciousness of life. I hope my experiences bring you closer to understanding what I mean. I hope that my journey might provide you some insight about your spirituality. I will never attempt to hijack your faith with expectations of obedience to my values, but I will call you to humble yourself before the majesty of all of creation. I do not own this knowledge for it exists for all of us to share. We are constantly in an unsure world, surrounded by uncertainty. Together we find our identity. Together we find meaning to suffering. Alone we are nothing. Liberation is the nourishment of our salvation!

I thank everyone for the continued thoughts and prayers.


PS. You don't make it in my family without being able to be the butt of jokes; and this loving, compassionate God is not without a really great sense of humor. I can't wait to meet my maker and finally get to throw some of my own punches. Well, the jokes on me in this case. My life truly has become one big pain in the ass! Really funny God....real f*@cking funny!