Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Still Waiting

Still waiting here, ready to get started. I meet Thursday with the radiology staff for them to mark me up. I am not certain what this entails exactly. I know the purpose is so they can target the radiation to the specific area they intend, but I am lost on the marking. Are they going to put physical marks on me for them to use as a guide or are they creating a template of sorts to superimpose when I am receiving the radiation? Anyway, that will get taken care of tomorrow.

I hope everyone is doing alright in their lives. I am liking the blog so far. It is serving a few purposes, one of which is a forum for me to process this experience. It really seems overwhelming at times, and I am sure it will get harder as time passes. The hard part is knowing that this is not just a cold or even an extended illness like the flu. This will take much work to heal, but I am ready. I really feel like with the help of God, my family, and my support network that the goal of being cancer free is certainly attainable.

Take care everyone and I will post about the radiation marking process on Thursday.



Anonymous said...

You know that the Foster family is only one exit up and "should you need us.." we will be there for you with distractions or whatever you need (we have a ton of DVDs you can borrow to watch on your new TV). We love you and Kimberly and you both are in our prayers.

Mom W said...

Hey Josh, Your in our nightly prayers. We are all fine and busy with school activities. McT plays UMS on Friday at 2:30 pm. at Ladd. If it is not raining as it has finally been doing. It will be hot! I'll let you know how it goes. It should be interesting! Love from our house to yours!
Aunt C.& Uncle R.