Friday, July 31, 2009

Getting Better

I am still slowly recovering. My pain in my chest when I breath is getting much better. I can still tell a difference on deep breaths and such, but it is not as sharp and acute. The pain at the incision site is still taking a little time to heal and hurts the most. It is just so damn hard to get comfortable where it is at. Hopefully, by the end of next week it will be feeling better and my range of motion with my left arm will improve.

I hope everyone is doing alright. I am still humbled at the support that has been shown to me by everyone! Kimberly and I both feel very blessed!



Anonymous said...

Our thoughts, prayers and love go out to you both. Hang in there God hears the prayers of his people!
Love ,
A.C. and Uncle Russ

Our Rosary in Marys Garden at St. Dominic continues every Tuesday. Our numbers are growing! Young and old alike gather to pray for you and many others!

Clare Bolek said...

Hey Kimby and Josh,
Keith and I will be in Bham Labor day weekend. We are taking a trip to big bob gibson's bbq in Decatur one day but I not sure what else. We would love to see you both.
