Friday, April 10, 2009

Spence Vs. The Socialists

My representative who I have been calling to have a word with for about three weeks now has recently put himself in the headlines declaring that there are 17 socialists in the Congress. I could really dissect this comment, but I will not for he is more than welcome to his opinion. However, doesn't he have other things to worry about other than declaring some people are socialists. So what...we are a republic adhering to democratic priniciples and those "socialists" (as he calls them) are certainly entitled to their opinions. Despite the fact that he did not, or never has, operationalized what he means by such a term; I wish I could just get his attention about H.R. 1189, legislation that would save lives. He is still not on board and I have yet to even garner an answer about a commitment. Yes or no congressman...that simple! Take some time out of your mud throwing and press ops and take a look at this bill. A large portion of your constituency, except for a select few areas (which carry the most political clout around here and which you are most closely alligned), probably would fall into the categories which this legislation intends to serve. Maybe you will tell me it is "socialist," but what good is dead labor and skyrocketing medicare and medicaid spending to your market principles? Say YES sir....COVER YOUR BUTT!!!!!

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