Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Same Old Song And Dance

I am waiting to have my PET scan scheduled so I can have that done before I see my medical oncologist. One guess what is keeping it from being scheduled. Drum roll company. I swear I am tired as hell of dealing with insurance companies. Everyone knows I can go on my rants about insurance companies and how I feel about what I see as our need as a society for a single payer system, but it is just plain ridiculous. I don't even know what to make of it sometimes. When I last tried to get a referral to see my thoracic surgeon for the brochoscope my referrals for the doctor who made the medical referral were not active (they only give me 2 visits per referral, before making me start from scratch) so therefore, the medical referral he made to the pulmonary thoracic surgeon was not active and I was not approved to see him. So, back to the insurance representative at UA I went to get a new referral for my original surgeon. They then tried to tell me that I could not have a referral to more than one oncologist at a time, even though I have had referrals to see three over the past two years now. You would think they might look at their own records before they try some shit excuse like that. Anyway, it is pure madness and if it weren't for the fact that I am my own advocate I am not sure exactly how it would unfold. One has to ponder the possibility that many people would give up trying to get things resolved which is probably what they intend with such behavior. All this while I am trying to muster up the energy to fight cancer again. It really is immoral in many ways!!!

1 comment:

Andrea Rebecca Kersh Johnson said...

You are so right - it is immoral. Don't give up! Thinking and praying for you and Kimberly -