Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Port Surgery Complete

I officially have a port now. The surgery went fine and I am at home recovering, not that I really need any recovering from such a minor procedure. I am a pro at all this stuff by now. I was actually awake for this procedure. They gave me some pain medicine, a light dose of a sedative, and some local anesthetic. They start through my neck and then move a wire down my artery to my stomach area. Then they attach it to the piece that is placed under my skin with another end going towards a vein in my neck. I have a small bump on my chest were the port is actually located. Of course, there are stitches to close the wound which will eventually be removed.

Onward and upward!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good start...should make a lot of the more minor procedures a bit easier to deal with. Is anything sticking out of your chest? or neck? I bet it looks cool!! (in a kinda freaky way). Congrats on getting your first surgery over and done with. Talk with you soon...

Unknown said...

Yeah. I have large bump on the right side of my chest. Yesterday the pain medicine they gave me was working well, but now it has worn off. It kinda hurts this morning. Plus, we are Terminator fans including the Sarah Connor Chronicles. It port mechanism itself, and the scar on my chest, has three dots forming a triangle which look like the dream that Sarah Conner was having about Skynet.

Anonymous said...

David and I are thinking of you and Kimberly. I've been away from the internet recently due to Ellis, but you are not far from my thoughts.