Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Week Of Chemo

Well, this is my last week of chemo (knock on wood). I have been taking this medicine off and on for almost seven months. I am really excited to be through with it. I started back to doing a little bit of work. I headed to Tuscaloosa yesterday and worked almost a complete day. I am not pushing myself really hard, but learning how to gauge my energy throughout the day. The hard part is reminding myself not to exert all my energy at work or school, but to leave some in reserve to help me feel better when resting.

On the medical side of things, I am scheduled to see my surgeon on the 15th of May. I will have a CT-scan that morning with some lab work and then I will hopefully get to schedule my surgery. I am not sure if I am going to ask for the surgery to be right away. As mentioned in an earlier post, Kimberly and I are traveling to the Carolina mountains in July. Depending on when the surgeon wants to schedule the sugery and what he tells me about recovery, I might want to wait until our trip is complete. I am not wanting to recover from surgery on a vacation. I can predict my day right now with my ostomy, but it may be a little less predictable for awhile after the surgery what my days are going to be like and what activities I will be able to participate in. Anyway, please keep good thoughts about my next doctor's visit and hope for the all clear sign!!!

Take care everyone!


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