Friday, September 21, 2007


The first week was rather easy, but the first day of week two has me worried. Some of the side effects are starting to set in a little. I guess I should get used to this fatigue feeling. It has become rather extensive. It went away with sleep a few days ago, but now it is becoming a little pesky. I will keep fighting though, I will just have to be more efficient with my energy. Learn to use what i can, when I can with the most effectiveness.

Honestly, I am not sure if it is the radiation or the chemo, but that really doesn't matter anyway. They appear to cause similar symptoms, and they both prescribe the same over-the-counter approach to many of the side effects. I am being realistic, but I still haven't had any large amount of hair to fall out! I just can't seem to shake this fatigue.



Jane LL said...

Josh: Don't fight the fatigue - your body is talking to you. Build your stregthn up between chemo & radiation treatments. You fight it now and after your next session or two - you will be down for the count and it won't be on your terms. There is NO award given to the patient that gets through treatment requiring the fewest naps :-) Enjoy the weekend!
Jane & Boxley

Jamie said...

josh... as much as u'd hate it, u might need to take a nap every once in a while! :)

Andrea Rebecca Kersh Johnson said...

Hi Josh-
Remember you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and your body is working hard with your medicine and radiation killing cancer cells. Your job is to give it all the rest and food it needs to do that work. God is with you and creating new life for you every minute: we all grow new cells all the time!
Peace and blessings-

Clare Bolek said...

I think we live in a society where taking a break/nap because we are sick is like a bad thing. Take the nap, go to bed early, learn to trust your body. My body told me yesterday, "You should maybe try and go to bed a little earlier or else I will shut you down." Right now its saying, "I know you need to go grocery shopping but you could also take a nap too." Yeah my body talks to me too. Maybe I will write these comments from my body...hmmmmm. Enjoy the game tonight. Peace, clare