Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Today's Test

Well, I received a little comfort this morning. I underwent an endoscopic ultrasound. This was my first glimpse at the cancer itself, other than the colonoscopy picture. It was uncomfortable as hell, but it was almost like starring it down. There it was. This is what I am going to be fighting. At first it was gross, then I started asking the doctor alot of questions and he started to explain to me what he was doing. The good news is that it does not look like it has expanded through the rectum wall and onto the prostate. The tumor is pretty large, but this test was able to confirm the surgeons assessment of space between the tumor and the anus. There is about 4 cm, which is what is needed to work with to reattach after recuperation from initial surgery. There did appear to be another cancer spot that was starting to grow, but the doctor could not say with accuracy. He stated that it was in close proximity to the tumor and fell within the incision area which means that it will be removed along with the tumor anyway.

I also must add a bit of related relief today. Not just from the results of the tests, but also because I think this is the last time for a little while that anybody will be putting things up my butt. Yes it is humorous and allows me to laugh when I need to, but damn! Now begins the treatment...the ultrasound doctor is going to call my other doctors who will contact me about beginning treatment. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I look forward to seeing everyone.



M said...
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M said...

Not sure if I should comment on the whole 'facing the tumor' remark or the 'no more sticking things in your butt' part.....hmmmmmm. I'll consider it and get back to you.-wade

Clare Bolek said...

I am with Wade about what I should and should not comment on...but I will say I am glad there is good hope in the air and that you don't need to have anything stuck up your butt for awhile:)
Prayers and hugs,

Unknown said...

You guys can comment all you want. You forget...I am a doctoral student. I have already been taking it up the butt for a little over two years. Ha Ha! So, comment away.

Steve said...

Well, us Mississippi State football fans have been taking it there for six years running now, so don't feel too bad.
