Monday, September 28, 2009

ENT Visit

I saw the ENT today and they took a look up in my nose with a scope. The good news is that it looks like it is probably a fungal infection. The doctor said this is not uncommon for folks who are on immuno-suppressants. I will have to undergo a surgery in a couple of weeks to clear all the junk out and remove some tissue that has built up around the infection. They will biopsy the tissue in that area at the time of the surgery, but the ENT mentioned that he did not see anything that looked suspicious in the scope they did today. Not completely out of the woods on that one, but much relieved. He stated that in his years of practice that he can only remember one case where a person with colorectal cancer had metastasis to the sinuses.

Anyway, I don't have to do treatment this week. As odd as it sounds, I do not like that. I really want to maintain my treatment regimen schedule. I do not want cancer getting this idea that it is getting a free ride. I have likened this to a boxing match sometimes. Cancer throws some punches, then I throw some punches...and so on. Of course you would hope for a KO with your initial punches, but that hasn't worked out for me. However, that doesn't mean that I am not in this fight to win. Anyhow...I'm taking an equipment timeout, cancer, so go to your corner and wait for the match to resume!



kwimberly said...

I never imagined I would say this, but Josh, I am so glad you have fungus in your nose.

Unknown said...

I think we all do, but my compromised immune system cannot maintain a healthy balance.

Unknown said...
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