Friday, September 18, 2009

Checking In

Hello world!

It has been a little while since I posted. I began my treatment on Monday and things are going alright. I did get sick this week on Wednesday when I removed my pump after having it for a couple of days. I am pretty nauseated and most food tastes pretty bad. I am soldiering on, but thinking about doing this for 4 months sucks!!

I hope everyone out there is doing well. Hopefully I will update the blog more frequently.



Anonymous said...

Sorry we were feeling bad and couldn't come see you. The kids talk about you and Kimby all the time. If we mention the beach they ask if Josh and Kimberly are coming. We are thinking of you two everyday. Take good care of yourselves.

We love you guys.
Jamie, Jeff, Sophia & Wesley

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is chris. I was showing Ma Jones your blog on dads iPhone. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you and she is always thinking about you and always praying. I guess her Internet is down or her laptop battery is dead :)

Anonymous said...

Just checking in as I always do. Ma Jones left after a night of poker! Jack called at 11:00 to see if she was coming home soon. You know Ma Jones (the rebel) When I am ready and not before! Johnathan was the big winner! She fusses and keeps on playing having fun and ready for Bingo tomorrow night with her ladies!
Love and prayers from all here!
A.C., Uncle Russ, and Family