Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nervous Waiting

I completed the PET scan this morning. It was not bad at all. They injected me with a radioactive glucose based dye which bonds itself to cancer throughout your body which then turns up on the scan. Once they injected me with the dye I had to sit quiet in a recliner for about 45 minutes. Then I proceeded to the PET scan machine. I placed my arms above my head and waited about 30 minutes while the machine did its thing. The only bad part was that my arms got really tired being held above my head. After about 15 minutes they came in and placed my arms across my chest which was a huge relief. Honestly, sitting still allowed me to really concentrate on my breathing and practice some meditation and prayer. I felt extremely at peace once the scan was complete...although really hungry since I had not eaten any breakfast.

One moment of humor came to me in between prayers when I was just thinking about things. I had to fight off laughter and bite my lip and tongue (you have to be real still) because I could not get a recent picture out of my head of one of my friend's children crying at the Easter Bunny. For a moment I really thought I was going to lose it and blow that portion of the scan.

Anyway, now I am waiting nervously for results. I arranged to have one of my doctors take a look to see if results were posted this afternoon. The radiologist folks are given 24 hours to post results, but sometimes they are up sooner. Most likely I will know something this afternoon, but it is not promised. I requested this so I could know what we are looking at before meeting my medical oncologist. I know that if I were to receive the results from him then I would potentially be floored and sit in shock while not remembering what my questions are and what we need to talk about. I will post more information as it develops.


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