Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Collapsed Lung

So, I was needing to post about my condition but I wanted to wait until after the Congressional Butt-In so everyone who visited would see that information and be inclined to participate. When I traveled up to DC last week I experienced severe chest pain and difficulty breathing on the plane. The pain continued, less severe, throughout the week and I decided to visit my doctor upon return. They did a chest x-ray and then called me back immediately. I knew such a quick return phone call was not good news. They informed me that I had a partially collapsed left lung and needed to return for a chest CT-scan. My surgeon looked at the results and there is something blocking air to my lower left lung. They are not sure just what it is so I have to meet with a thoracic surgeon today and then complete a bronchoscopy tomorrow. They will go down into my lung and take a look and complete a biopsy if it looks suspicious.

I am really scared that my cancer has returned. It is not the end of the world if it has, but it is certainly not good news. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers today and tomorrow and hope that it is just a collapsed lung caused by something besides a tumor. (Only after cancer can you hope that it is just a collapsed lung) I will post my news as soon as I can tomorrow and hopefully have better idea of what is going on.


PS. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Butt-In. Do not hesitate to follow-up with your legislators to put the pressure on them to co-sponsor the legislation. We are on the cusp of getting this passed which will save numerous lives with expanded screening opportunities!


Kathy said...

As we have stated before, we will definitely shift our prayers to you! Also, a question about your previous post... what do you think would define a younger person as medically "at risk"?

Anonymous said...

We're with you here in NC!!! Thinking about you and Kim today and tomorrow. Keep us posted!!!!

Unknown said...

Medically "at-risk" includes any family history of colo-rectal cancer, history of family polyposis (sp?), as well as diagnoses of bowel diseases (crohns, IBD, IBS, etc.) Hope that helps!