Monday, March 17, 2008

Update on Treatment

Well, this is the week that I go and get my treatment. This is the second to last one (knock on wood) and I am counting it down...believe me. I am still having trouble with neuropathy in my hands and feet. It comes and goes, but when it is present it is kinda painful. Of course I say kinda painful, because I have really adjusted to living with pain. I am not able to say that I am pain free, but mentally I have adapted to pain over this process. The pain from the surgery is better, the radiation pain has finally cleared up and I think my tissue is healed from that treatment, and the neuropathy is not constant. My intake of pain medication has decreased tremendously and that makes me very optimistic about my recovery. I am trying not to be nervouse, but there is a knot forming on my stomach. It is located about 2cm away from my large surgical scar so perhaps it is internal scar tissue. I have also heard from various sources about the prevalence of hernias after abdominal surgery (ps...I had to move out an old dryer and move in a new one). Anyway, having cancer certainly makes you vigilant (i.e. filled with anxiety) about these things. I will meet with my doctor Thursday and they can evaluate it. I have also begun to develop cold sores in my mouth. I was hoping to avoid these, but it looks like I will have to deal with them for the rest of my treatment. They are pretty common and hopefully I can manage them without difficulty, but I have heard they can be a real pest.

I also have some sad news to share about an accident in my family. I am requesting that everyone please keep my cousin and her children in your prayers. My cousin's husband (pastor at a Mobile church) was involved in a "work-day" at his church. He had an accident and fell from the roof and suffered severe head trauma. After efforts by neuro-surgeons to rescue him from internal bleeding in the brain and brain stem area, he passed away yesterday. My cousin made a very noble decision to remove him from life support. She also made the decision to have his organs donated. I think that decision was probably incredibly difficult to make, but one that will bring life to so many people. They flew in a team of doctors from UAB and the organ transplant procedures were completed. Anyway, Kimberly and I will be travelling down to Mobile this week with saddened hearts to attend his funeral. He is survived by my cousin and two young children.

Remember to hug your loved ones when you see them, and remember that we never know the time or place.



Dana said...

Josh, you and Kimberly will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I am sorry to read about your cousin's husband and will pray for her and her family.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your cousin, Josh. We'll definitely hug the kids a few extra times tonight. Have a safe trip down to Mobile, keep us updated as you can about the hernia situation (Kimberly, start lifting some weights so you can move the washer out when it goes, Josh won't be any good after a hernia). You guys take care and we'll keep up the good thoughts!

Clare Bolek said...

Josh your tone sounds hopeful this week of the start of spring. I hear AL is beautiful right now with the redbuds and dogwoods. Know you and Kimberly are in my prayers and thoughts frequently. There is always a spring-even if it is a long winter. Happy Easter!