Monday, March 24, 2008

The Reality Of Living With Cancer

Kimberly's mom called yesterday and asked how I was doing. Kimberly responded with, "Oh, he is fine. Except for the diarrhea, nauseau, extreme chills, pain in his shoulders and arms, and the neuropathy. But other than that..."

Another moment happened when the first resident was examining my hernia knot on my stomach. She asked does is hurt when I touch it. I responded by asking if she could be a little more specific. I have been in alot of pain for awhile and I don't think I can really gauge it too well any more. She simply laughed and said it is yes or no. So I said yes. You had to be was a funny moment. She and I both got a kick out of it.

Anyway...still making it here. I have one more treatment left and I can't wait to get it over with. I am really tired of chemotherapy. I can really see why people do not finish their treatment regimens. I also still have a low red blood cell count, so I am still battling the general feeling of being tired all the time. I get plenty of rest, but still not results.



Anonymous said...

Hey Josh, I am happy at least that you have maintained your teriffic sense of humor! You have been through an awful lot and I know from some of your blogs the towel you might want to throw in must weigh more than you can lift! But just know that we love and pray that you will get a big boost of energy soon and just blow us all away with energy...Your Awesome!

Clare Bolek said...

One more treatment!! That is awesome!! The light is brighter for you. I can feel it for you...even if you can't:)

love to you and kimberly!

Anonymous said...

Josh, You have come so far with dignity, grace and humour. I admire your fighting spirit. The reality of living with cancer is leading you back to the reality of surviving cancer and living without cancer!!! What a glorious victory you are heading for and rapidly approaching!!! Hang in there, my friend. Peace and Love,